Thursday, May 13, 2010

1, 2, 3 cheese!

we've been debating whether or not to invest in a dslr camera. i really am a creature of habit, so as much as i see how much better the quality of photos are, i hesitate to make the jump.

here are the players we currently have on hand...

1.  blackberry bold 9700
stats:  3.2 megapixels
last at bat:  photo-greeting to email mom
added value:  it packs a decent punch for its small size.
and the yellow cover makes me happy.

2.  canon powershot sd750
stats:  7.1 megapixels
last at bat:  everything and anything
added value:  super easy shmeezy to use

3.  old school nikon camera
stats:  no idea
last at bat:  nsync concert 10 years ago to get a closer view of
justin timberlake (ok i'm a little embarrassed)
added value:  my parents bought this the year i was born and
gave it to me when i left for college.

i don't know...i might just take upon the task of learning how to shoot with the nikon (more than its paparazzi zoom capabilities) for now. be sure to let me know if you have any photography tips, warnings, recommendations, stories, or jokes!


  1. make the jump, rosy! i think it's about time! guess what i did today? i threw myself a "trash the bridesmaids dress" party today and made a little somethin' out of my ginormous wwf dress ;)

  2. eep, you should invest in a dslr!!! i know you will love it & utilize it to the max :]

  3. you make P&S pics look SO great. i'm sure your dslr pics would look crazy awesome. can you post those old school pics of justin?

  4. i've been telling you to get that dslr! you'll pick up on it so quickly and you have such a great eye for beautiful things. it'll be a great investment!
